Why Do Liberals Double, Triple & Quadruple Down?

You must understand that liberals will always double, triple and quadruple down in just about every instance. A liberal has their degenerate lifestyle to defend after all. It's the only thing they must live for, from drinking their life away to smoking a genetically modified plant, they're incapable of not thinking past the now. Which is fascinating, since you'll hear a lib go on about their commitment to environmental protection, while genetically modifying the devil's lettuce to chase the dragon they'd had at the age of 10, smoking a bowl with their degenerate, pathetic excuses of "parents" or perhaps "friends" - sometimes even both.

Which is merely a contradiction, but a lib will move the goal post to talk themselves into being a great person and you’re the one in the wrong for pointing it out. How dare you notice! When in doubt, double down is the liberal mindset.

This mindset goes into many other facets of their demonic logic, from saying a woman shouldn’t be objectified but will say it’s empowerment for a woman to objectify herself and even sell herself on OnlyFans to pay rent. When did it this become the definition for an empowered woman?

Yet, with all this doubling and quadrupling down, the liberal is always left wondering where it all went wrong – “Why can’t I just get high man? Just let me live my life man. It doesn’t affect you – man!” Well, it does, you boomer. You see, for instance, the liberal will always say “Our kids are the future! We need even more funding for public schools! Who cares that test averages are down; dropouts are up, and kids are stupider than ever before! More money for the teacher’s unions they screech!”

However, at the same time, they’ll legalize GMO plants. With the legalization of the devil’s lettuce in Colorado, for instance, ER visits among adolescents have gone up, and parents are losing custody. Why, the liberal might be asking. Well, it probably has to do with people having sub-80 IQs, not being able to understand that kids will get into their weed gummies. There's secondhand marijuana high as well, but just like politicians pretend to care, so do the parents. To which, the liberal will suggest MORE government intervention – MORE. All of which plays into their doublethink of "The government is corrupt!" Yet they're all for bigger government, only when it's in their favor to regulate others into subsidizing their degenerate lifestyle.

Though, that's not even close to it at all. Really, what it comes down to is – money. Liberals and Democrats alike love money. Their love for money is quite concerning. You see, just by looking at what's happening culturally, with the oozing of rot from the cracks of society, it becomes increasingly clear their siphoning money through the expansion of government. Parents unable to keep their kids out of the weed gummies? Let's make a council of 12 highly paid liberals to figure out the best course of action. Oh, now there needs to be a few levels of management above those 12 highly paid liberals, about three levels should work, and before you know it, you're at 120 brand new jobs just to come up with suggestions to stop the weed gummies from getting into the hands of kids. Simply telling people not to be degenerate stoners would be more practical, but that's not fair, they screech! What about – my – freedom!? Well, what about my right to not have to endure degenerate drug users who practice contradictory double thinking while virtual signaling? Why is that not as important?

Don't believe it? Look to California’s homeless epidemic, where non-profits are being paid billions to solve a problem they’re not motivated to solve because of – you guessed it - money. You know who’s going to do something about it? That’s right no one. Not the politicians, the PTA mom who’s been divorced 5 times, who mind you is taking her ex-husbands for all they got, while selling herself on OnlyFans after just downing an edible with her son and friends, all while virtual signaling “drugs bad”. No one will do anything about it, cause MUH JOBS, MUH MONEY and MUH DRUGS. All people will continue doing is - you guessed it - double, triple and quadruple down.

No wonder the rest of the world is disinvesting from America. Shocking.